A new version again, download it or use the updater in the plugin.
New: PHP Validate on Save (Coda 2 only)
Now you can edit the list of file extensions for which the Validate on Save jumps in. The default is php,phtml
, but you can enter more or different extensions if necessary. Separate them by comma, without spaces.

New: Minify on Publish (Coda 2 only)
(Still experimental) There are two new preferences: Minify JS on publish
an Minify CSS on publish
. When checked and you publish a CSS or Javascript file (.css/.js) a minified version the file is uploaded. Your original (local) file is not modified.

Please check afterwards if your uploaded files behave correctly – in case of problems uncheck the preferences and publish again (then the uncompressed file is uploaded). And of course report what’s wrong.
Improvements / Bugfixes
- Check if Growl is present
- Includes Growl 1.2 and Growl 1.3 notifier, automatically and hopefully selects the right one
- Some bugfixes, typos, improved logging
- CSSTidy: New option
Remove last ;
– control if the last;
in a block is removed or not - CSSTidy: Workaround for wrong @import behavior
- JSHint: Doesn’t report useless strict warnings anymore
- JSHint: Removed unused –safe option
- JSHint: Added link to option documentation in the preferences
- CSSTidy/JSMinify: CR/LF handling improved
- PHPTidy won’t try to format php files with syntax errors
- Rewritten launching of php based tools, more robust now
- Refactoring PHP error display
- Performance/memory improvements
- Preferences layout improved
Problems? Just post a comment or write an email (mario at chipwreck dot de). Since there are now more than 420 comments I’m thinking about using some kind of forum or bugtracker maybe..