Coda PHP & Web Toolkit 3.0

Well, finally the 3.0 version of Coda PHP & Web Toolkit. Here’s an overview of the new features.

Use selection

This is probably very helpful – if you enable this in the prefences and have a selection in the editor, all commands only operate on this selection.

Real-life example: You have an HTML-page with inline JavaScript. Select the JavaScript part and use Minify to minify the JavaScript only.

Results in a floating window

Validation results for CSS, HTML and Javascript can be displayed in a floating window, so you can view the warnings/errors without having to switch to another tab:

Validation result windowValidation result window (JSLint)

Notification via Growl (or like Growl)

This version shows notifications via Growl (if you choose) or in a similar style:

Information window Growl notification

HTML online validation x3

Since tidy is not really HTML 5-compliant, it’s sometimes more useful to validate HTML online. Therefore three different validation services (W3C-validator, Unicorn validator and WhatWG’s are preconfigured:

HTML online validation

Configuration for JSHint

Now JSHint (JSLint) validation can be configured:

Configuration window for JSHint

Improved PHP Tidy setting

More configuration options included:

PHPtidy settings 3.0

Small stuff

The preferences are better structured, JSHint settings and output improved, dropped cUrl in favor of Cocoa URL Request handling, lots of bugfixes, code rewritten the 8539th time…

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