WordPress Theme updated
The used wordpress theme was updated. You may download a zip-file with the theme files here ».
It’s enabled for widgets, the navigation can be customized and it has an own options page for setting links and some options. You can also customize the keywords and author.
The CSS is quite Safari and Firefox specific, no idea how it looks in Internet Explorer. Probably ugly like everything else.
Use with wordpress 2.7 or higher, no guarantees of course.
CSS selector according to language
<code lang="html"> <span lang="en" xml:lang="en">this is english..</span> <span lang="en" xml:lang="de">hier ist deutsche Texte..…</span> </code> <code lang="css"> p[lang="de"] { color: green; /* whatever */} p[lang="en"] { color: red; /* whatever */} </code>
Safari and friend IE
The same page viewed with Safari (Mac), IE 7 and IE 6 – for IE 6 the css hacks used have been disabled to see everything in its full glory. Notice the interesting placement of the right box.
Click on an image and use the arrow keys to flip through:
XHTML 1.0 valid + href target
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
if ($$('a.external').length > 0) {
$$('a.external').each(function(element, i) {
element.setProperty('target', '_blank');
PHP syntax highlighting / OpenOffice
Format a writer document (or parts of it referenced by paragraph styles) with character-styles to highlight php code-snippets. This is an OO-Basic macro.
Formatiert ein OpenOffice-writer Dokument (oder Teile davon) mit Zeichenstilen so, dass PHP-Code hervorgehoben wird. Dies ist ein Makro in OO-Basic.